It’s back to school for La TrendRoom du Planning, and we’ve been busy spotting the latest trends all summer:

  • If you think that vacations are necessarily more relaxing without children (yours or those of others?), the child free marketing trend is for you.
  • Are you depressed by the rise in mortgage rates? Meet the Guppies: give up and get rid of the social pressure to become an owner.
  • Already tired from the start of the school year? Nescafé takes care of your nap, but you’ll have to go to Japan to enjoy it.
  • To get there, travel with Japan Airlines to take advantage of their latest clothing rental service, and reduce both the size of your luggage and your carbon impact.
  • And if you are willing to take up new challenges after the summer break and are considering a career change, we found an HR firm that bets on making recruitment an entertaining experience.

Read it now !



Lonsdale Asia announces senior creative promotions

Lonsdale Asia has announced the promotions of Christine Wiryakartika and Katrina Crescenzo to Associate Creative Director of the Singapore studio.…
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Holiday Wishes 2025

We may have used last year’s cards, but our holiday wishes have never been newer.
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Transform Magazine │ Minorities and Brand Karma

With the launch of a new Vaseline Transition Body Lotion designed by Lonsdale Singapore, the agency’s strategy team explored how…
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INfluencia │ Study “Brand Shifts 2025”: Why Brands Must Aim Higher and Commit Harder

For the first time, the strategic planning teams at Lonsdale in Paris, Singapore, and New York reveal the key trends…